Suspects in plotting assassination attempt on Pashinyan arrested in Armenia


Former deputy chairman of the Yerkrapah volunteer union Albert Bazeyan was arrested for preparing an assassination attempt on Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, his lawyer Georgy Melikyan said on social networks, XQ informs.

The investigation's request was fully granted.

Earlier, lawyer Hakob Dzhangiryan reported that Bazeyan was detained in his apartment on the evening of September 23. National Security Service officers searched his home and seized some items and documents. After that, he was taken to the National Security Service, and then to the detention center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Erebuni district of Yerevan. He was suspected of trying to usurp power.

According to Armenian media, seven more members of the military-patriotic organization “Crusaders” were detained along with Albert Bazeyan.
