As a result of climate changes in Azerbaijan, 40% of water basins and 52% of wetlands have been lost in the Ghizil-Aghaj State Reserve, Samaddin Asadov, the Chairman of the Board at Azercosmos OJSC under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, said at the View of Climate Change from Space event, Report informs.
"In 1993–2023, the level of the Caspian Sea decreased by 2 meters. Of this, 1.5 meters occurred in the last five years," he said.
Asadov also pointed out that, compared to 2017, Azerbaijan lost 18 glaciers in the Greater and Lesser Caucasus and Talish mountains.
"During the evaluation of the level of drought in the country, it was determined that 15% of the territory of Azerbaijan is under the high risk of drought. The regions of Ganja, Dashkasan, and Mountainous Shirvan Economic Region are most exposed to the risk of drought," he stressed.