Bulk carrier Natavan resumes cargo transportation in Black, Mediterranean seas


The Natavan universal bulk carrier of Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company (ASCO), operating in foreign waters, has been overhauled, Report informs via ASCO.

The repair work was carried out at the Gurdesan shipyard in the Altınova/Yalova region of Türkiye.

As part of the work, along with the main and auxiliary engines of the vessel, all other mechanisms were repaired. Cargo cranes, rescue and fire-fighting equipment have been put in order. The ship was also equipped with a ballast water purification device adapted to the requirements of the MARPOL convention.

In order to improve the living conditions of personnel, necessary work was carried out in the dining room and cabins.

After the major overhaul, the bulk carrier is again involved in cargo transportation in the Black and Mediterranean basins.

The vessel has been operating in waters outside the Caspian Sea since 2014. The cargo carrying capacity is 5,200 tons. The vessel’s length is 108 meters, and its width is 16.74 meters.
