Argentinian President says he has begun discussions with UK about Falkland Islands


The new Argentinian President Javier Milei has told Sky News that he has begun discussions with the UK about the Falkland Islands and that he expects future negotiations over the sovereignty of British territory, Report informs.

The comments, made on the fringes of the World Economic Forum meetings in Davos, followed Mr. Milei's first bilateral meeting with the UK—a private session with Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron.

Mr. Milei, the radical libertarian who recently won the Argentinian election, pledged during his campaign that he would gain sovereignty over the islands.

Speaking shortly after his meeting with Lord Cameron, he said: "We talked about the Falklands, and it is something for future diplomatic negotiations."

The comments will spark controversy, as Britain has said in the past that it has no plans for any diplomatic negotiations over the future of the islands.
