Georgia’s Central Election Commission reveals date, procedures for 2024 parliamentary vote


Georgia’s Central Election Commission on Wednesday set October 26 as the date for this year’s parliamentary elections and outlined mandatory registration procedures for participating parties, according to

For political parties holding parliamentary seats from the 2020 elections, the process involves submitting an application to the CEC Chair. This application, endorsed by the party chair or leaders, must be submitted no later than the 57th day before the election date to secure participation rights.

Non-parliamentary parties will be required to submit the same documentation between January 1 and July 15. Additionally, these parties must obtain a sample list of supporters from the election administration, gathering signatories of at least 25,000 people within 60 days of receiving the sample but no later than August 1. The submitted list of supporters will undergo verification by the relevant CEC service in accordance with domestic laws.

Parties in the latter category are also required to present an extract from the register of political parties issued by the National Public Registry Agency. This document, indicating party leadership, should be issued within 10 days preceding the submission of the application.

The upcoming race will mark Georgia's transition to a fully proportional electoral system, with a set election threshold of five percent. It also marks the introduction of electronic voting in general elections across the country.
