Media: UK plans to conclude agreement with Türkiye on expulsion of illegal migrants


Ministers are seeking a deal to allow small boat migrants from Türkiye to be sent straight back to their home country after an alarming surge in numbers, Report informs referring to Daily Mail.


The agreement sought by Home Office ministers with Ankara will be modeled on the one reached with Albania which contributed to a 90 percent fall in small boat migrants from that country last year.


The number of Turkish nationals who reached Britain in this way soared by 162 percent last year. New figures show Turks were the third largest nationality among Channel migrants during 2022, with 3,060 making the crossing.


Home Secretary James Cleverly will lead negotiations in a video meeting with Turkish counterparts.


Minister for countering illegal immigration Michael Tomlinson is expected to play a leading role in detailed talks.


Ankara is likely to expect visa concessions for legal migrants in return, it is thought.
