Emin Amrullayev: First secular school in Azerbaijan was opened in Shusha


Shusha holds a special place in Azerbaijan's educational system, as it was here that the country's first secular school was, Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev said as he participated in the first day of classes at Shusha City Secondary School No. 1, Report informs.

According to him, the reopening of the school, years after the city's liberation, marks a significant milestone in Azerbaijan's educational history.

Minister Amrullayev emphasized the importance of this day, stating, "We are living through these historic moments together. I am confident that this day will forever remain in the memories of our students. It is truly a proud moment for you to be a part of this historic day. The city's significance in the modern educational history of Azerbaijan cannot be overstated.

Following Shusha's liberation, the school was one of the first buildings to have its foundation laid. Constructed to meet modern standards, the school was completed and put into use in a remarkably short period. Without exaggeration, I can say that Shusha School is at the level of the most modern and desired schools in Azerbaijan's education system.”
