For 2022-2023, 336 people, and for 2022-2024, 717 people were admitted to the State Program on Education Abroad. 393 of those accepted chose to study in Great Britain, 84 in Turkey, 73 in the USA, 43 in Germany, and 124 in other countries.
Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev said these thoughts in his speech at the 16th congress of Azerbaijani teachers.
Drawing attention to the statistics, the Minister noted that the number of people admitted to the State Program for 2022-2026 for young people to study in prestigious higher education institutions of foreign countries has increased.
Emin Amrullayev also stated that in 2019-2023, 1004 people were admitted to international double diploma programs. 77 of them have already graduated. 252 students in 7 priority majors studied in 99 universities of 24 countries for doctoral studies abroad.