Resident of Lachin: "I am proud to participate in voting process"


"Polling stations have been established in the territories freed from occupation. Elections will be held in 110 polling stations of Lachin Election District No. 121. The return process of our internally displaced persons from Lachin continues successfully and most of them will vote in Lachin," Sabuhi Beylarov, a resident of Lachin district, told Secki 2024 Independent Media Center.

He stressed that our compatriot, who lived as a displaced person for many years and left Lachi at the age of 8, is proud to have returned to his native land and participated in the vote today.

"I was born in Alkhasli village of Lachin district. Now I try to connect my social and business activities with my native Lachin. Because Lachin has always had a sacred essence. I am currently in Lachin, in my native village. I consider myself very lucky to have returned to our native lands," concluded he.



Social life