"Why do the dogs we own disappear?"


A letter was sent to the editors of "Xalq newspaper" from "Alyans" Public Union for the Protection of the Living World. Arzu Gulmaliyeva, deputy chairman of the organization, writes: On March 18, http://www.xalqqazeti.az/, the attack of "Street" dogs: Who is to blame?" I read the article titled The opinion of Elman Jafarli, the chairman of "Green World" Environmental Awareness Public Union, about the invisibility of single-haired dogs in Baku is an alarm signal. Recently, there has been an increase in the number of cases of Birkal dogs being killed by poisoning or shooting in groups. We have applied to the police many times. In Sumgayit, our group of about 15 female volunteers has so far taken hundreds of dogs and sterilized them at the IDEA Animal Care Center. We keep 80 dogs in the shelter with our own funds. With our help alone, 380 dogs were neutered, spayed, vaccinated and released to the previous territory. This is just our statistics. Other animal lovers in Sumgait also do a lot of sterilization work. Also, thousands of dogs from Baku were sterilized in the relevant state institutions, and the state created all conditions for their vaccination. Shelters created by certain individuals also contribute to this work. We keep the dogs that we have trained and vaccinated under control, and we feed them in a certain area. Almost all of these dogs "disappear" after a while.

It is a pity that we find their shot bodies in a number of places, even in the central streets. We find some of them injured, take them to the vet, and treat them for a long time. In fact, this case is very easy to trace. Because the cameras can be opened and viewed in the central streets. Although we demand this, they refuse at the Sumgayit City Police Department. We take dogs that sometimes do not die from bullet wounds and treat them for months.

Our state takes every measure so that our "little friends" can walk on the streets completely safe for people. But who are those who want to overshadow this work? It is very interesting, what is the purpose of the institutions that kill single-haired dogs in the same area and do not care about the dog herd? Who are the ones who create the conditions for dogs to breed and breed on the streets and for what purpose?

Please help us spread our ideas through your newspaper.

Social life