Article entitled 'Azerbaijan's realities against fiction' published by influential Peruvian news portal


The famous Guik portal of Peru published an article titled "Azerbaijan's realities against fiction" by Ricardo Sanchez, a well-known journalist and political commentator who visited Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan's embassy in Mexico told Report.

The article says that President Ilham Aliyev won the snap presidential elections held in Azerbaijan with more than 92% of the votes. It is reported that factors such as the successful policy conducted in the country, the complete restoration of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, the development of the economy, and the further improvement of the welfare of the country's population have contributed to this success.

According to the article, 790 international and more than 90,000 observers, as well as nearly 300 foreign mass media representatives, who monitored the elections, gave opinions that the election process was free, transparent, and democratic.

The article especially emphasizes that these elections are of historical importance as they cover all territories of sovereign Azerbaijan for the first time after 30 years of occupation.

The author notes that contrary to the biased and false information spread by Armenia and the Armenian diaspora abroad about Karabakh, everyone who visits this region witnesses the severe consequences of the Armenian occupation, including the razing of cities, looting of cultural, historical, and religious monuments, and destruction of residential infrastructure.

It is also noted that more than 300 people died or were injured even after the war due to the mines planted by Armenia in these areas during the occupation period, and the Armenian side still refuses to present the maps of the mined areas to the Azerbaijani side, thereby putting the lives of innocent people in danger.

In the end, information is given on the large-scale work carried out by the Azerbaijani state towards the restoration of the liberated territories to ensure the dignified and safe return of Azerbaijanis who were displaced from their homelands.

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