Azerbaijan’s Milli Majlis responds to resolutions of Dutch Parliament's House of Representatives


“The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan strongly refutes and condemns as biased political acts the two resolutions adopted by the House of Representatives of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on October 10, 2024. These resolutions unjustly target Azerbaijan and distort the real situation in the South Caucasus region. Based on false and inaccurate information, they fail to contribute to peace, stability, and constructive dialogue. Instead, they reveal a one-sided approach that disregards both historical facts and current realities, as well as international legal norms and principles, and the ongoing challenges in the region,” the Milli Majlis stated in response to the Dutch Parliament's resolutions.

“Demanding the release of individuals accused of committing serious crimes within the territory of Azerbaijan, including terrorism, separatism, premeditated murder, and other severe violations of international humanitarian law—while falsely portraying them as 'Armenian military prisoners'—is blatant disrespect for the rule of law. Such actions undermine efforts to combat terrorism and to hold accountable those responsible for crimes against peace and humanity.

The unfounded accusations of the pillaging of Armenian cultural heritage are part of an ongoing campaign to obscure and downplay the destruction and appropriation of Azerbaijan’s cultural, religious, and historical treasures during the 30-year occupation of Azerbaijani lands by Armenia. It is deeply regrettable that the House of Representatives of the Netherlands has remained silent on the systematic destruction of Azerbaijan's cultural heritage, while choosing to engage in unjust political actions against Azerbaijan.

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan also emphasizes that the support and defense of these biased resolutions by Caspar Veldkamp, the Foreign Minister of the Netherlands, indicate that the Netherlands’ government policy towards the South Caucasus rests on a selective approach. Rather than acknowledging the suffering of Azerbaijanis, whose homeland was occupied and who were subjected to ethnic cleansing, crimes against humanity, and acts of genocide, the Dutch government has pursued a policy characterized by indifference to Armenia’s territorial claims against Azerbaijan, implicitly supporting these claims.

This stance does not surprise us. The colonial history of the Netherlands is marked by numerous instances of subjugation and exploitation across Asia, Africa, and the Americas, where brutal tactics were used to expand its empire. Human rights were consistently secondary to profit. The looting of the national wealth of colonized nations played a significant role in the Netherlands' development. Even today, the Netherlands continues to maintain economic dependencies with various nations, making any claims of addressing its colonial past appear hypocritical.

The Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan calls on the House of Representatives of the Dutch Parliament and senior officials of the Netherlands to cease actions that hinder efforts to establish peace and stability in the South Caucasus. While we support constructive dialogue and cooperation with all nations, including the Kingdom of the Netherlands, such engagement must be founded on mutual respect and an honest acknowledgment of facts,” the Milli Majlis emphasized.
