Azerbaijan’s Economic Council holds meeting


On October 10, Prime Minister Ali Asadov chaired a meeting of Azerbaijan’s Economic Council.

The discussions focused on several key issues, following the directives from President Ilham Aliyev during the September 26 economic meeting. Topics included the "Regulations on Import-Export Operations in Azerbaijan," the repatriation of export revenues within 180 days in accordance with the law, the classification of exported goods by sector and destination country, unreturned foreign currency by individuals and legal entities, and administrative and criminal measures concerning the failure to repatriate foreign currency earnings.

The meeting was addressed by Chairman of the State Customs Committee Shahin Bagirov, Chairman of the Central Bank Taleh Kazimov and the Prosecutor General Kamran Aliyev.

The second issue of the agenda was related to the Southern Gas Corridor Closed Joint Stock Company.

The meeting also included reports from Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov, President of SOCAR Rovshan Najaf and Executive Director of the State Oil Fund Israfil Mammadov.

In conclusion, the meeting participants made decisions on the discussed topics and issued instructions to the relevant bodies.
