Azerbaijani, Ukrainian media outlets explore priorities for cooperation


There is a constructive and fruitful cooperation between the media outlets of Azerbaijan and Ukraine. I am convinced that the partnership between AZERTAC and Ukrinform will continue to develop under your leadership,” said Azerbaijani Ambassador to Ukraine Seymur Mardaliyev as he met with the newly appointed Director General of the Ukrinform National News Agency Serhii Cherevatyi.

Congratulating Serhii Cherevatyi on his appointment, the diplomat underlined that the peoples of Azerbaijan and Ukraine are bound together by centuries-old ties of friendship.

“The media plays a special role in the development of these relations. Ukrinform news agency always highlights Azerbaijan’s fair stance. AZERTAC, in its turn, brings the realities about Ukraine, the war-related reports to the local and international community’s attention. Highlighting the realities of Azerbaijan in the Ukrainian media outlets is one of the priorities of our activity," the ambassador underlined.

Emphasizing the existence of sincere relations between two countries’ media outlets, the director general of Ukrinform said: "We rejoice in the achievements of Azerbaijan. Both countries recognize each other's territorial integrity and support it on the international platform. Ukrinform is open to the attractive projects and is ready to evaluate the proposed projects. I am confident that cooperation between Ukrinform and AZERTAC will make a new contribution to the development of relations between our peoples and countries."

Seymur Mardaliyev highlighted the preparations for the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) set to be hosted by Azerbaijan. “Azerbaijan makes a significant contribution to the "green energy" development. The European countries, including Ukraine also benefit from these projects,” the ambassador added.

The meeting also featured discussions on other issues of mutual interest.

Emil Huseynli

Special correspondent
