Azerbaijan's parliament discusses implementation of state budget


The meeting of the Economic Policy, Industries and Enterprising Committee of Azerbaijan's Milli Majlis (Parliament) has started, Report informs.

The bill "On the implementation of the 2023 state budget" is being discussed at the meeting. The document entered the parliament last week.

The revenues of the state budget of Azerbaijan in 2023 stood at 35.574 billion manats (about $21 billion), which is an increase of 16 percent compared to 2022. Meanwhile, the revenue plan was implemented by 105%.

In 2023, the expenses of the state budget amounted to 36.458 billion manats (over $21.4 billion), representing a 13.7-percent increase from the previous year.

The 2023 state budget deficit was 883.7 million manats (about $520 million) or 0.7% of GDP.
