Azerbaijani Defense Minister commends Air Forces’ activities


On May 11, a meeting was held under the leadership of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Colonel General Zakir Hasanov, the Ministry of Defense told AZERTAC.

The meeting commenced with commemorating the memory of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev and Martyrs, who sacrificed their lives for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

The Minister of Defense delivered to the meeting participants the tasks arising from the speech of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Ilham Aliyev, made on May 10 at a meeting held within the opening of the first residential complex in Shusha with the first residents who moved to the city.

Noting the importance of bringing the speech of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces to the entire personnel of the Azerbaijan Army, the Minister gave relevant instructions on this matter.

Then, the relevant order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Ilham Aliyev, on the discharge of the Deputy Minister of Defense of Azerbaijan – Commander of the Air Force, Lieutenant General Ramiz Tahirov, taking into account the last age of military service, was brought to the attention.

The Minister of Defense emphasized that the activities of the Air Force, as well as other types of troops of the Azerbaijan Army in the Patriotic War and other operations are always commended by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

It was noted that, in accordance with the requirements of the head of state, important steps have recently been taken towards the development of the Air Force and its military potential has been further increased. It was mentioned that the adoption of new aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles that meet modern requirements, the training of professional servicemen and pilots are vivid examples of successful reforms aimed at army development.

For the worthy performance of service duties, the Commander and personnel of the Air Force have been repeatedly presented with various awards and medals by the relevant Orders of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The leadership of the Ministry of Defense expressed gratitude to Lieutenant General Ramiz Tahirov for his long-term impeccable military service in the Azerbaijan Army, for special merits in protecting the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and wished him success in his future life.

Lieutenant General Ramiz Tahirov, in his turn, thanked the Supreme Commander-in-Chief and the leadership of the Ministry of Defense for their trust and noted that he will remain faithful to the traditions of statehood in his future activities.
