Puny horns of Frank Schwabe


Since we have known Frank Schwabe for a long time with his disgusting capacity of open demonstration of a hostile attitude towards Azerbaijan, we usually meet his slanderous, false and hypocritical statements about our country, people and state with disgust and sarcasm, without taking them seriously.

Nevertheless, when Schwabe spews his hatred of Azerbaijan on his Twitter account, he makes clear that he is already in complete hysterics. 

This political puppet, claiming to be the main voice of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, is trying to create a storm in a teacup with the instigation of those who control him, but forgets that he is merely one of hundreds of MP-s of this Assembly. 

Manic rants of Schwabe who considers himself the authority and the key to the door of the Parliamentary Assembly, that there is no way back to the Parliamentary Assembly of Azerbaijan either now or in January are nothing more than the stinking nonsense he hears himself. 

Azerbaijan builds its relations with all international institutions including the Council of Europe on the basis of mutual respect, and we reject all kinds of festering statements by malicious troublemakers like Schwabe.

Schwabe and others who think that they will achieve something by attacking the administration of Azerbaijan and the President of Azerbaijan elected and loved by the people, with puny horns should not forget that the fate of rotten horns that hit a rock is to definitely break. 

Rafael Huseynov,

Deputy of National Parliament, academician


