Head of Institute: Baku - unique platform for intercultural dialogue


The World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue in Baku is a unique platform, head of the Institute for Sustainable Diversity and Inclusion, Effenus Henderson, said at the plenary session “Applying soft power in the development of multilateral cooperation: building solidarity and countering division” of the 6th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue, Report informs.

He said much can be achieved through intercultural dialogue.

Henderson added that today, humanity should be prouder not of its military arsenal and economic power, but of its soft power. Soft power, based on the values ​​of openness, tolerance, empathy and respect for diversity, has the ability to transcend borders, eliminate differences and create strong bonds of friendship and cooperation between countries and people.

In his view, in a world where the lines between friend and foe are often blurred, soft power offers a more nuanced and sustainable approach to international relations.
