President Ilham Aliyev: Azerbaijan ensured peace by war and this should be thoroughly examined


“Azerbaijan ensured peace by war. I think that this should be thoroughly examined,” said President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev as he addressed the opening ceremony of the 6th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue, themed “Dialogue for Peace and Global Security: Cooperation and Interconnectivity” in Baku.

“All the major international organizations adopted resolutions and decisions demanding the withdrawal of Armenian forces, including four resolutions by the UN Security Council. Those who adopted those resolutions did not do anything in order to implement them. So, we had to achieve peace through war. What we did in 2020 - 44 days of the Patriotic War - allowed us to liberate the largest part of the territories. Last September, we completely restored our territorial integrity and sovereignty,” the head of state underlined.
