The Azerbaijan State News Agency – AZERTAC has hosted a meeting with a number of media representatives of Uzbekistan.
During the meeting, AZERTAC Chairman of Board Vugar Aliyev highlighted the agency’s multifaceted activities, saying that the agency wires news in eight languages, simultaneously producing photo, video and multimedia products. Noting that AZERTAC enjoys partnership relations with about 50 foreign information agencies, the Chairman of Board emphasized that the Agency also maintains close cooperation with Uzbekistan's National News Agency (UzA).
"We can cooperate with the Uzbek media both in the current information area and in other realms - for instance, in the field of information for children. AZERTAC offers interesting content for children through its special portal. The main goal of the partnership is to conduct mutually beneficial exchange of information, and AZERTAC stands ready to make necessary efforts in this domain," Vugar Aliyev added.
Acting Chairman of the Union of Journalists of Uzbekistan Kholmurod Salimov expressed their keenness to conduct exchange of experience with the Azerbaijani media outlets, saying they will strive to embark on cooperation with various media outlets during their visit.
The guests highlighted the activities of newspapers and online news sites, information agencies operating in Uzbekistan, as well as provided information about the media organizations they represent.
The guests also familiarized themselves with conditions created for journalists at the agency.