Students of boarding school present their works at Nine Senses Center


With the support of Vice-President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Leyla Aliyeva, students of the boarding school for integration education No. 11 presented their works at the Nine Senses Center for Creativity and Self-Development as part of the Her Art in Action festival dedicated to women's creative experience.

According to Report, the festival is organized with the support of the international art gallery Gazelli Art House and the media platform VarYox.

Throughout the festival, ambitious young designers and artists took part in action-packed events designed to inspire and develop talent.

The first part of the Her Art in Action project features the theme "The Feminine Gaze: Seeing Ourselves and Each Other."

The festival is divided into two parts - an exhibition, as well as a series of workshops, public talks and events dedicated to the participating artists and their work.

The goal of the festival is to support the professional development of Azerbaijani women artists by introducing them to new audiences.

According to the director of boarding school, Gulnara Abdullayeva, the boarding school students transferred Azerbaijani national artistic elements to clothes that they sewed themselves.

"These wonderful works were created in 2017 by the pupils of our boarding school," said Abdullayeva.

The director emphasized that almost all the patterns on the models are made in the Azerbaijani style: "We tried to rehabilitate this technique and use it in clothes. The result was a very bright and colorful collection."

In turn, the representative of the art and media platform VarYox, Sitara Ibrahimbayli, noted that the main purpose of the festival was not only to show the works of talented artists, but also to finance their future projects.

"We organized a big festival that has been going on for more than a month. Today's event is the final one," she added.
