Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan prosecution bodies enjoy high-level relations


Azerbaijan’s Prosecutor General Kamran Aliyeм has met with Turkmen Deputy Prosecutor General Rahim Atayev on the sidelines of the five-sided meeting of representatives of the Prosecutor General’s Offices of the Caspian littoral states in Baku.

During the meeting, Kamran Aliyev described Turkmenistan as Azerbaijan`s close friend. He noted that thanks to the efforts of the heads of state, the bilateral relations have reached high level in all spheres, including the prosecution bodies.

Kamran Aliyev highlighted the full restoration of Azerbaijan`s territorial integrity and ongoing rapid reconstruction works in the liberated territories.

Rahim Atayev emphasized that his country always attaches importance to cooperation between the prosecution bodies of Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan. He expressed his confidence for further enhancing the cooperation in the future.

Turkmen ambassador to Azerbaijan Gurbanmammet Elyasov also participated in the meeting.
