Hikmet Hajiyev: COP29 will demonstrate Azerbaijan’s determination, diplomatic and political courage


“The importance of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Corridor in Eurasia has sharply increased over the past years. Located at the crossroads of the North-South and East-West transport routes, Azerbaijan has hosted numerous events in this regard. Azerbaijan has transformed into an important transport and logistics center in the South Caucasus, thanks to the expansion of sea trade ports, the increase in the number of built vessels, the modernization of railways, and the steady growth of sea and land cargo transportation,” Assistant to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Head of Foreign Policy Affairs Department of the Presidential Administration Hikmet Hajiyev said in his interview with the Chinese Phoenix TV Channel.

Recalling that Azerbaijan was one of the first countries to support the “One Belt, One Road” initiative put forward by President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping, the Assistant to the President emphasized that this project has positively affected the overall welfare of the countries along the route, strengthened cooperation, and promoted dialogue between civilizations, which enabled the international community to benefit from the legacy of ancient Chinese civilization.

“We see this project as cooperation, a partnership that can bring prosperity to the countries placed along this route. Azerbaijan is strategically located between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea, and it also serves as a natural linkage for Central Asia towards Europe,” Hikmet Hajiyev underlined.


Emphasizing that a train from the Chinese city of Xian has finally arrived in Azerbaijan after passing through Kazakhstan and the Caspian Sea within only 11 days, the Assistant to the President underscored that this route once again proved to be very significant, competitive, and valuable from a transport standpoint, and moreover, very safe and reliable.

“We are working very hard with our Chinese friends to further enhance the effectiveness and competitiveness of this trade route,” he added.

Hikmet Hajiyev noted that Azerbaijan is simultaneously making efforts to increase the capacity of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway, as goods are transported both from East to West and from West to East.

“European companies and trade institutions can also use this route to reach markets in China and Central Asia. Along with the East-West route, Azerbaijan is also working on the North-South route. Thus, Azerbaijan is recognized as a transport and logistics hub in the Eurasian continent,” Hikmet Hajiyev underlined.

Noting that Azerbaijan pays attention to the development of the non-oil economy and strives to diversify its economy over the past years, the Assistant to the President drew attention to the creation of solar power plants in the country. He described it as an important stage in cooperation between Azerbaijan and China in the field of green energy.

Touching upon Azerbaijan`s hosting of COP29 this year, he noted that the issue of climate finance, which was raised and not resolved during the last conference, will be the main topic at the conference in Baku.

He emphasized that as the guarantor of Europe’s energy security, Azerbaijan exports oil and natural gas to European countries.

“There is close cooperation between China and Azerbaijan in the energy field. Chinese companies participate in oil and natural gas projects. Chinese companies are also very good partners for the diversification of Azerbaijan`s economy. Particularly, green transition has become one of the priority areas for Azerbaijan.



“Azerbaijan is extremely glad to see that China is a globally leading country in green transition. China has actually proven the possibility of a green transition. The transition to green energy is one of our priorities. We look forward to actively working with our Chinese friends within COP29 and beyond it”, Hikmet Hajiyev underlined.

The Assistant to the President noted that COP29 will once again demonstrate Azerbaijan`s determination, being a fossil fuel country, and at the same time, it will demonstrate Azerbaijan`s diplomatic and political courage.

“It also demonstrates our strong and unwavering willingness. Azerbaijan has shown that we have such determination, along with hydrocarbon resources. Additionally, we would like to champion green energy and regionally contribute to this concept,” Hikmet Hajiyev added.
