Moroccan journalist: ‘Visiting Karabakh allowed me to understand truth’


France seeks to impose its interests even on countries that are geographically far from it, journalist Shuaib Brhadda wrote in the Moroccan publication Ouma Press, Report informs.


"It [France] does not hesitate to use its 'media lobby' to organize a propaganda campaign whose sole purpose is to distort the truth while turning the accused into a victim," he said.


Brhadda cited as an example the occupation of Karabakh by Armenia, which lasted more than thirty years, but after the liberation of the lands, Azerbaijan began to be presented in the French media as an aggressor.


According to Brhadda, “the role of the French media is to express a hostile attitude towards those who have become victims of occupation, colonization, destruction and genocide, because their interests are related to the presence in society of a significant percentage of citizens of the country that caused these tragic events,” he concluded.


He added that the trip to Azerbaijan allowed him to see the truth with his own eyes. "This was enough to highlight the scale of pain and suffering inflicted on the region and its people," he said.


Having visited Shusha and Aghdam and seen the pace of restoration of the region, Brhadda noted that he is calm about the future of Karabakh. The journalist called on the international media to follow the principle that the truth is always the same and should not be subject to external influence fabricated to suit the agenda.
