BSEC PERMIS Secretary General: EU membership should align with strategic goals


Membership in the European Union and the expansion of the union’s neighbors should be grounded in strategic goals. We are all aware of the challenges faced by Türkiye regarding its EU membership,” said Lazar Comanescu, the Secretary General of the Permanent International Secretariat (PERMIS) of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) and the former Romanian Foreign Minister, as he addressed the 8th panel session on the theme “Regional Perspectives: EU and its Neighbors” held as part of the 11th Global Baku Forum.


Comanescu emphasized the need for the European Union to develop a comprehensive concept of membership for its neighboring countries that aligns with the interests of both parties.


He further questioned the necessity of EU membership, stating, “Let's consider whether we truly need the EU? We should critically evaluate what EU membership would bring to our respective countries. Personally, I approach this issue with skepticism,” the BSEC PERMIS Secretary General emphasized.
