MP: Azerbaijan can build a part of Zangazur corridor that passes through Armenia


Azerbaijan should offer Armenia that it is ready to build land and railways in Western Zangazur, on the condition that fees and payments will be paid to the budget of Azerbaijan for a certain period of time to recover all costs, MP Zahid Oruj said at the plenary session of the parliament held today, Report informs.

He noted that this will be the first bridge between two countries that do not have diplomatic relations: "Communications with Armenia were not opened last year either. However, Azerbaijan is completing the construction of roads in East Zangazur," he noted.

Oruj emphasized that Azerbaijan shows great political will in the transition to renewable energy: "That's why the President states that most oil companies in the world change their purpose and become multi-profile energy companies. Last year, the government expanded SOCAR and turned it into a ‘Green Energy Company’ in order to manage the ‘Green Azerbaijan’ policy from one center. At that time, professional training and the power of oil, which has dominated the economy for 276 years, will weaken," the MP added.
