Desperate hobbles of separatists


It seems that the escaped criminals will have to "drink tea" in Baku

The revanchists-juntas of the so-called regime, sent to the archives of history, who found refuge in Armenia, have now gone in search of support for themselves in the West. Azerbaijan, which has suffered from the problem of separatism for more than 30 years, was forced to clean up the junta regime in Khankendi, which is not in a hurry to leave our land, according to the conditions of the tripartite Declaration dated November 10, 2020. Official Baku knew very well the reason for their unwillingness to leave Karabakh.

After all, the Armenian separatists who settled in the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan and created a so-called regime there received support from their foreign patrons - France, Russia and Armenia. At that time, some political experts even assumed that the Russian peacekeepers temporarily stationed in our Karabakh economic region together with the separatists were behind the threats against Azerbaijan. It was the junta regime that relied on them and lived with the dream of "maybe they returned it", neither laying down its arms nor surrendering, nor voluntarily leaving the region.

The separatists who put pressure on the Armenian community in Karabakh, created a fake hunger crisis, refused all humanitarian aid, and "do not like to eat Turkish bread" are trying to knock on the doors of their European fanatics today. However, the situation was the same as we wrote about six months ago. Now the reality is completely different.

The remnants of the so-called regime in Karabakh, which has left itself and does not exist "de facto" and "de jure", occasionally try to rise up in Armenia. It can be seen from the outside that Pashinyan's government secretly supports the activities of this Dashnak-revanchist group, which has become a headache for it, and tries to organize "tribunes" for it even abroad. In other words, the separatists of the former "dqr" who have been permanently sent to the reserve are thinking about expanding their sphere of activity and holding meetings with the official and unofficial institutions of the West with the fatwa of the "slanderers". Does Pashinyan's government, which initially prevented the abolished regime from continuing its activities in Armenia with its status as "gorbagor" and forbade them from holding actions, really thinks that it will succeed in extracting some concession from Baku in the peace negotiations by activating the "Karabakh card" again?

According to the information disseminated by the Armenian media, the Armenian authorities are trying to expand its activities at the international level and establish contacts with Western representatives by creating a "special committee" consisting of separatists. According to "Hraparak" publication, Vardan Oskanyan and some senior members of the committee are on a trip to Europe.

"They hold meetings with various political figures of Europe, representatives of international organizations. Now the "Deputies of Artsakh" are waiting for Oskanyan to return to Armenia and provide information about the meetings held with them. After all, they already know that Oskanyan was able to restore the contacts he gained in Europe during his tenure as foreign minister and met with key figures. One of them is Tovio Klaar, the special representative of the European Union for the South Caucasus," Hraparak wrote.

If the process of separatism supported by the official Yerevan continues, the Pashinyan government will have to experience its severe consequences. Neither the adventurers nor their supporters from Yerevan and the West should have any doubts about this.

Now the choice is in Armenia's hands. Pashinyan will either end the existence of Armenia as a state by taking advantage of the separatism card buried in Karabakh, or he will eliminate the revanchist-Dashnak separatists himself. Otherwise, Baku can officially declare the issue of West Azerbaijan and turn the return of Azerbaijanis to their historical homeland from the desire of the community to the official position of the state. This will mean that the Armenian state, which was founded on our historical lands one hundred and six years ago, will be erased from the map from a territorial point of view.

political commentator

- When the Armenians living in Karabakh moved to Hayastan, it seemed that the official Yerevan was against separatists' uprising in Armenia. He demonstrated this to some extent. But later it became clear that these steps were not aimed at preventing the continuation of separatism in Armenia, but at specific goals. This was to prevent the separatists from using the "Karabakh card" against the government, to divide them from the inside, to completely control the "artsakh" idea, to eliminate the threat to the government, and at the same time to use the separatism card as a tool of pressure against Azerbaijan.

In other words, the Armenian authorities are playing a game on separatism. On the one hand, he opposes Shahramanya's group, on the other hand, he takes control of the separatism card over Babayan. Let's pay special attention to two points here: First, the Shahramanyan-Babayan factor. The Pashinyan government opposes Shahramanyan, who refused the decision on the abolition of the separatist regime, and Samvel Babayan, who said that this decision is not valid, does not touch it. On the contrary, he "embraces" him. It seems that the Armenian authorities are trying to eliminate internal threats over the Karabakh issue, instead of keeping the so-called "artsakh" idea under their control as a possible card against Baku. The second is the creation of an international committee on the so-called "artsakh".

The idea behind the "committee" created in January of this year is former foreign minister Vardan Oskanyan. He currently works as the coordinator of the "committee". The committee was created by the so-called "parliament" of the separatists who fled to Yerevan, and its main "mission" is to get support from outside to rekindle the canceled separatism in Karabakh. The current goal of the "Committee" is to get an international mandate. This process is carried out by lawyers. The fastest option is to register as an NGO. But the members of the committee believe that the NGO has a low status, they are trying to get an international mandate", - writes the "Hraparak" publication. The facts suggest that the "Separatism in Karabakh" card was launched by the official Yerevan. It is no exception that one of the main forces fueling this process is France, which is currently trying to turn Armenia into its vassal.

It seems that Paris intends to use the separatism card against Azerbaijan. However, this promises a difficult perspective for Yerevan. Because Azerbaijan will not come to terms with the re-emergence of separatism, which it destroyed in Azerbaijan, neither in Armenia nor in another country.

Imran Badirkhanli

