France's new "crusade" to the Caucasus


Sometimes facts about the repetition of history are found in the political literature, and various opinions and considerations are put forward in this regard. The essence of the matter is that the fact that the established policy has become a tradition and continues for centuries reveals the reality of history repeating itself.

In this sense, France started a new "crusade" and, as in ancient times, again using Armenians. However, the "crusade" organized by France in the new era is not against Muslims in the Middle East, but in the Caucasus.

The first crusade was announced in 1095 by Pope Urban II in the church of Clermont in France. King Louis VII of France was very zealous for the march to take place. Now President Emmanuel Macron is doing this zeal. The crusades were caused by the socio-economic crisis that engulfed Europe in the Middle Ages. Even today, the economic and energy crisis, inflation, which is engulfing Europe, encouraged the leaders of the continent to march towards the East. As at that time, Armenians are still used. The target is Azerbaijan and its natural resources. And the Armenians intend to play the role of a fortpost and receive a reward, as in history. If we look at history, we will witness how Armenians searched for and found a warm arm.

The Armenian prince Ghagik II joined the crusade in 1097 and went down in history by being in the service of the crusaders and fighting against the Muslims in the Middle East with the most brutal methods. He put a sword to anyone who came in front of him, regardless of whether he was a woman, a man, an old man or a child. In return, a king was appointed to Armenia, created by the Crusaders. Armenian king Levon I joined the crusades in 1198 and participated in the 5th and 6th campaigns. He was also distinguished by his cruelty and instead expanded the territory of Armenia.

The former president of Armenia, Levon Ter-Petrosyan, was awarded the scientific title of "Doctor of Sciences" by writing a scientific work on "Participation of Armenians in the Crusades". In his scientific work, the ex-president proudly talked about the cruelty of Armenians against Muslims and scientifically "proved" that they were able to build a state by serving great forces in different periods of history.

This policy continues today. The only difference is that then they marched with horses and swords, and now with cannons.

However, one point should not be forgotten. During the Crusades, the Turks defeated the Armenian-French army in Antioch.

If the repetition of history is established as a solid fact, then this couple will be destroyed in our modern times. If we make a historical comparison, we can say that in modern times, the first crusade of the Armenian-French couple was prevented in 2020 during the 44-day Patriotic War. However, this time the service to their masters did not come to the aid of the Armenians, the occupied Karabakh region of Azerbaijan was liberated. Now people are returning to their homes and continuing their lives. And France, sticking to its historical political tradition, is trying to arm Armenia and penetrate here.

In addition to the fact that history repeats itself, there is also the experience of learning from history. Azerbaijan has learned a good lesson from history, from the hypocrisy and selfishness of France and other European countries like it, from teaching others how to live, from the policy of double standards. Having learned a good lesson from this lesson, Azerbaijan has now become a force that will prevent attempts to intervene and destabilize the region.
