Has Macron forgotten the fate of Napoleon?


His orientation of the Armenians against the Russians leads to war

I wonder if Emmanuel Macron looks in the mirror and sees himself as Napoleon Bonaparte? Probably so. If it were not so, this man would not want to repeat Napoleon's attack on Russia 212 years ago.

He tells all his associates that we should teach Russia a lesson. But he does not know how to teach. Can the Azerbaijan Army defeat Russia by pulling Armenia to its side? Even the headless leaders of Armenia think that they will punish Russia by getting into Macron's arms.

...Remember that Napoleon had prepared 600,000 troops for the attack on Russia. The Russian army scattered along the border consisted of 220,000 soldiers and officers. On June 24, 1812, the French army attacked Russia. Napoleon wanted to surround and destroy the Russian troops on the border. Not received.

After the battle of Smolensk, he tried to negotiate with Russia for the first time. But Russia responded to this proposal with the Battle of Borodino and the partisan movement. Contrary to Napoleon's plan, the Russian army did not engage in a major battle and retreated into the interior of the country. On September 7, 1812, the French army lost 60,000 soldiers, and the Russian army lost 40,000 soldiers in the battle that took place on the Borodino field. After the battle, the Russian army continued to retreat. The Battle of Borodino put an end to the legend of the invincibility of the "Great French Army".

Still ahead of that is Waterloo, St. Helena Island. That is, it is not a bush that Macron will enter. He should be afraid that Armenia will turn into Waterloo for him.

Let's not forget that for 200 years, the French have not been able to determine the cause of Napoleon's death, or rather, who poisoned him.

In any case, we do not wish Macron that fate.

