Our country's relations with the United States are returning to a positive course


Relations between the United States and Azerbaijan are returning to a positive course. President Ilham Aliyev's meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Munich and the opinions expressed give reason to say so. In fact, the logic of the new realities that emerged after Azerbaijan fully restored its sovereignty over its territories dictates the development of bilateral relations in a positive direction. Let's hope that the United States, which has declared its desire to establish peace in the region, will try to develop its relations with Azerbaijan according to the level of bilateral relations and the high value given to each other.

Dynamically developing relations between Azerbaijan and the United States on the basis of friendship and cooperation have risen to the level of strategic partnership in a number of fields. The fight against global challenges, international terrorism, active and effective joint action in security issues, extensive interaction in the economic field are the main factors characterizing bilateral relations.

Effective cooperation exists in the field of energy. The United States has strongly and consistently supported Azerbaijan's energy strategy at all stages. Official Baku particularly appreciates close cooperation with the United States in ensuring energy security, comprehensive support of the United States in large-scale transnational projects. During the past period, official Baku, which has pursued an independent and multi-vector policy, has continuously developed bilateral relations with Washington in many areas. Today, the main directions are strategic partnership in the field of energy, security and development of economic relations.

Relations between the United States and Azerbaijan are returning to a positive course. President Ilham Aliyev's meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Munich and the opinions expressed give reason to say so. In fact, the logic of the new realities that emerged after Azerbaijan fully restored its sovereignty over its territories dictates the development of bilateral relations in a positive direction. Let's hope that the United States, which has declared its desire to establish peace in the region, will try to develop its relations with Azerbaijan according to the level of bilateral relations and the high value given to each other.

Dynamically developing relations between Azerbaijan and the United States on the basis of friendship and cooperation have risen to the level of strategic partnership in a number of fields. The fight against global challenges, international terrorism, active and effective joint action in security issues, extensive interaction in the economic field are the main factors characterizing bilateral relations.

Effective cooperation exists in the field of energy. The United States has strongly and consistently supported Azerbaijan's energy strategy at all stages. Official Baku particularly appreciates close cooperation with the United States in ensuring energy security, comprehensive support of the United States in large-scale transnational projects. During the past period, official Baku, which has pursued an independent and multi-vector policy, has continuously developed bilateral relations with Washington in many areas. Today, the main directions are strategic partnership in the field of energy, security and development of economic relations.

Along with the strategic energy partnership and growing economic ties, Azerbaijan is also an important security and counter-terrorism partner of the United States. Azerbaijan was one of the first countries to offer assistance to the United States at a difficult time for the American people. Immediately after the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington on September 11, 2001, Azerbaijan's national leader Heydar Aliyev offered unconditional support to the United States in the fight against terrorism. Washington accepted the help of the Azerbaijani leadership, and NATO planes carrying non-combat cargo for the mission in Afghanistan passed through the airspace of Azerbaijan and used the airports of our country.

About 40 percent of all cargo intended for the NATO mission in Afghanistan passed through Baku. In addition, Azerbaijan participated in peacekeeping missions in Iraq and Kosovo for many years. It should be especially noted that Azerbaijan completed its peacekeeping mission and was one of the last countries to leave Afghanistan. In a meeting with Azerbaijani journalists, the US ambassador to our country, Mark Libby, also said that for many years, Azerbaijan has fought against transnational threats together with the US.

Of course, Azerbaijan is considered a reliable and strategic partner, and the United States is also interested in having close, warm relations with our country. President Ilham Aliyev's meeting with three official representatives of the United States within the framework of his visit to Munich demonstrates once again that there are prospects for the development of relations, and confirms that the United States is interested in developing relations with Azerbaijan.

In 2022, US President Joe Biden stated in his letter addressed to the head of state of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, that the United States has been a strong partner of Azerbaijan in many fields and continues to adhere to this position in bilateral relations today.

The letter noted that while the world is experiencing an important turning point in ensuring energy security, the United States and Azerbaijan are simultaneously making the necessary investments and changes to ensure their long-term commitment to a clean energy transition. In this regard, it was noted that diversification is important for achieving energy security goals and that Azerbaijan plays a major role in the regional format. The US leader also emphasized the importance of Azerbaijan in realizing the great potential of Trans-Caspian cooperation in terms of stabilizing regional and global markets.

The views expressed by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in his meeting with President Ilham Aliyev in Munich on February 17 show that the United States is interested in the development of relations with Azerbaijan and accepts the leading role played by Baku in the South Caucasus region. It should be noted here that the meeting took place at the request of the United States.

This once again confirms that the USA values ​​Azerbaijan as a powerful state that influences the course of regional processes and admits that it is Baku that influences the development of the post-war period. This also shows that they understand the futility of destructive steps aimed at Azerbaijan on the other side of the ocean. After the resolution of the Karabakh conflict, excellent opportunities for further expansion of regional cooperation relations have arisen, and the United States, which is interested in strengthening stability and security in strategically important regions, should increase its attention to deepening its relations with Azerbaijan, the most powerful country in the South Caucasus region.

Antony Blinken's comments at the meeting suggest that the US considers this direction to be a priority. Noting that they highly value bilateral relations with Azerbaijan, the US Secretary of State emphasized that there are good opportunities for further strengthening of bilateral relations and cooperation between our countries. After the anti-terrorist measures on September 19-20 last year, there was a certain misunderstanding in the relations between Azerbaijan and the United States. After restoring territorial integrity, Azerbaijan declared that the war was over, the Karabakh problem no longer exists and the process of normalization between Armenia and Azerbaijan continues.

The current situation is important in terms of revealing the full potential of Armenia-Azerbaijani relations. Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that it is a supporter of peace and stability in the region, and if the United States supports this issue, Baku welcomes it. The positive course of the meeting and the discussed issues suggest that the parties want to put the misunderstanding behind them and develop relations in accordance with the spirit of strategic relations. But the main issue here is that US-Azerbaijan relations should not become a prisoner or a target of the process between Armenia and Azerbaijan, but should develop in accordance with the spirit of strategic cooperation. Emphasizing the importance of mutually raising cooperation to a new level of quality within the framework of the meeting gives reason to hope for it.

Sabuhi Mammadov
