Will the scales of Themis be inclined to political adventure?


Yerevan's political adventure called the "Rome Statute" and the new ideological "walk"

Our newspaper expressed its prompt reaction to the biased and irresponsible statement of the Armenian authorities towards Azerbaijan regarding the entry into force of the Rome Statute on February 1. However, there are some points that require us to return to the topic again. The most important of these points is that the official Iravan, taking advantage of its new status at the International Criminal Court, is trying to spread to public opinion the possibility that it can raise some claims against Azerbaijan at this level. The goal is to breathe new life into his ideological struggle based on the manipulation of international public opinion. Of course, it is understandable that the diplomatic establishment of Armenia, which suffered a heavy defeat on all fronts during the 44-day war and in the post-war period, is trying to rehabilitate itself in the eyes of both the local community and the world community.

If the truth and reality are looked at with open eyes and not closed eyes of Themis, in fact, Armenia itself, whose constitution includes a territorial claim against neighboring states, should be put on the dock. During the 30-year-long occupation period, accusations should be made from the rostrum of the International Criminal Court, from the genocide he carried out in Karabakh and our surrounding regions to numerous war crimes and the killing of thousands of our compatriots. In addition, Iravan should be reminded of the fact that dozens of our cities, thousands of settlements and villages, which he kept under occupation, turned into ruins, and he should be held accountable for this, and at the same time, compensation should be demanded from him for the damage he caused to Azerbaijan.

"The failure of the international community to prevent Armenia's aggression against Azerbaijan and the failure to stop the occupation of our territories in nearly 30 years, the commission of mass atrocities and crimes against humanity by Armenia, and the continuation of Armenia's war-inciting statements and actions have fueled the feeling of impunity in this country." This is what the Azerbaijani MFA said in the speech of the chief diplomat of the Hays, Ararat Mirzoyan, at the ceremony dedicated to the accession of Armenia to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court in the Netherlands. The commentary unequivocally states that Mirzoya's well-known speech is an attempt to use these institutions for Armenia's accession to the Rome Statute for its baseless claims, insidious actions, hate propaganda, misinformation and misinterpretation of international law. * * * "When Armenians committed crimes in Azerbaijan, they kept a distance from international organizations. Because they knew that they would have to answer to those institutions. Just as they thought the four resolutions of the UN Security Council were nothing, they did not take into account the decisions of the General Assembly. They ignored the numerous calls of the European Parliament, the Council of Europe, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, as well as the Non-Aligned Movement." In his statement to "XQ" on the subject, MP of the Milli Majlis, political scientist Rasim Musabayov, who specifically emphasized these views, said that in the current situation, the Yerevan official is trying to use them against Azerbaijan by infiltrating certain international organizations.

"These efforts of the Armenian authorities, which currently have their tail in the door, will not be of any use. No one eats bread in his ear. If Yerevan will turn to the International Criminal Court, dozens and hundreds of facts and evidence will be presented to the court regarding the crimes committed by Armenians in our lands. If Yerevan thinks that in this way it will be able to exert political pressure on Azerbaijan, it is fundamentally mistaken. They will return from the international institutions they turned to, as it is now, with their hands long from their skirts. As for the other privilege granted by the Rome Statute, Yerevan does not have the courage to decide to arrest Russian President Vladimir Putin. From the very beginning, Moscow expressed its sharp criticism of Yerevan's adventure, and in the current situation, it is clear that there will be no one grateful to the Armenian authorities."

Noting that Nikol Pashinyan himself knows well that Ararat Mirzoyan, the head of the Armenian Foreign Ministry, is well aware that Ararat Mirzoyan is a traitor, R. Musabayov did not rule out the possibility that he will be removed from his position in the near future.

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Official Iravan does not reveal anything new for Baku with the known political behavior he has exhibited in recent days. It is obvious that the Armenian government, which is in a superior position on all levels and platforms, is not able to move forward from the false and disinformation "tactics" tested by the Armenian authorities, which is trying to decide from which side and through whom to attack Azerbaijan. This situation has a negative effect not only on the country's political elite, but also on the "internal pressure" of the society.

The well-known political commentator Tofig Abbasov said that Yerevan's elementary lexicon has been exhausted in the diplomatic war:

"Armenia has started a big "speculative" operation regarding the Rome Statute. We see signs of political divisions in Hayastan society. Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan pulls public opinion to one side, Speaker Alenm Simonyan to another. The infamous foreign minister Ararat Mirzoyan, who is closely connected to the well-known institutions of the West, is playing his game. Although all this does not have a direct effect on us, we just need to know exactly who we are dealing with. On the other hand, the affiliation of Armenian political figures with high authority to different poles creates confusion in the government, including in society, and also creates ambiguity and misunderstanding in the bilateral dialogue with Azerbaijan. I think we should not rush at this stage. Trying to accuse us of crimes we didn't commit, Yerevan is pinning its hopes on international arbitration. But will it have any consequences? Where has it been seen that the liar, criminal party is right, and the one who is the victim of the other party's actions is guilty? This is impossible."

T. Abbasov added to his words that the Armenian side is well aware that when Azerbaijan raises the issue of compensation against the occupying and plundering Yerevan in front of the international FEMIDA and these issues turn into a judicial investigation, its hands will be empty: Neither the diplomatic activities we have observed nor the words he will say will be of any importance.

Precisely, from this point of view, Azerbaijan has a serious and irrefutable security base. Our professional national lawyers and neutral international experts were involved in this process. Armenia's criminal acts, which started in the 90s of the last century, are being investigated one by one and appropriate legal opinions are being prepared."

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There is no doubt that Yerevan, who decided to expand the anti-Azerbaijani campaign in the example of Ararat Mirzoyan, who tried to create a "special effect" in public opinion with his adventurous speech in the Netherlands, acted primarily with the instinct of self-preservation. The initiators themselves know very well that no results will be obtained from these unnecessary efforts. It's just that the uproar they raise today serves to prepare a "political safe haven" to retreat to tomorrow. They have no chance at this level either. This is similar to the fact that the opponent, who has already seen his defeat, deceives his surroundings in order to justify himself in the situation he will find himself in. But it is not believable that Iravan can bend the eye of the scales of Themis with such adventures. Do not doubt that this truth will eventually be announced from the rostrum of the International Criminal Court.

Imran Badirkhanli
