Azerbaijan`s snap presidential election captures spotlight in Cuban media coverage


The Cuban media outlets, including "Prensa Latina", "Granma", "Trabajadores" newspapers, as well as "Cubavision Internacional" and "Canal Caribe" TV channels have provided extensive coverage of the snap presidential election held in Azerbaijan on February 7.


The articles highlighted Ilham Aliyev`s landslide victory with more than 92 percent of the votes.


Authors also mentioned the congratulatory letter sent by Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev on his resounding victory in the election.


The articles emphasized that this presidential election marked a historic milestone as the first-ever election conducted across all parts of independent Azerbaijan, including the liberated lands. Notably, the city of Shusha, the cradle of Azerbaijani culture, witnessed historic moments as residents cast their votes there for the first time in their own city after a long time.


The articles highlighted the presence of 120 foreign media representatives, including journalists from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico and Uruguay, accredited to cover the election proceedings in Azerbaijan.
