Ambassador: Moscow and Baku agree on dates of negotiations regarding peacekeepers in Karabakh


Russia and Azerbaijan agree on the dates of the next round of negotiations regarding Russian peacekeepers temporarily stationed in the Karabakh economic region, Russia's ambassador to Azerbaijan, Mikhail Evdokimov, told the Izvestia newspaper, Report informs.

"The dates of the next round of negotiations between Moscow and Baku regarding our peacekeeping contingent are currently being agreed upon with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan," he said, reminding that the stay of Russian peacekeepers in Karabakh will end in 2025.

The diplomat noted that after Baku regained control over the entire territory of the region, the role of the peacekeeping contingent changed: "Currently, after the end of anti-terrorist measures, Russian peacekeepers are patrolling the area together with Azerbaijani forces, guarding buildings and cultural structures."
