CIS mission publishes interim report following monitoring preparation for Azerbaijan elections


Election commissions at all levels are taking all necessary measures to conduct elections in Azerbaijan: everything is organized in strict accordance with the legislation of the country, reads an interim report of the CIS observer mission based on the results of monitoring the preparation for the presidential elections in Azerbaijan, Report informs.


As part of monitoring the election campaign, long-term observers from the CIS visited and got acquainted with the work of district and precinct election commissions in such Azerbaijani districts as Absheron, Agsu, Goranboy, Gobustan, Guba, Gusar, Jalilabad, Yevlakh, Imishli, Ismayilli, Lankaran, Masalli, Sabirabad, Salyan, Siyazan, Ujar, Khachmaz, Shabran, Shamakhi, Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, the cities of Baku, Ganja, Yevlakh, Lankaran, Shirvan.


Representatives of the CIS mission note in the report that the commissions are provided with communication means, office equipment, equipment necessary for organizing voting, as well as legal and methodological literature.


The report notes that the observation mission “performs its functions freely and independently, guided by the legislation of Azerbaijan, documents adopted within the Commonwealth, without interfering in the electoral process and in the internal affairs of the state.”


Observers from the CIS, as part of monitoring the preparation for the elections, discussed the progress of the election campaign with the leadership of the Central Election Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan. Meetings were held with representatives of the campaign headquarters of all presidential candidates.


Early presidential elections will take place in Azerbaijan on February 7. The Central Election Commission registered seven presidential candidates - Ilham Aliyev from the ruling New Azerbaijan Party, self-nominated Zahid Oruj and Fuad Aliyev, Razi Nurullayev from the National Front Party, Fazil Mustafa from the Great Creation Party, Elshad Musayev from the Great Azerbaijan Party, Gudrat Hasanguliyev from the People’s Front of Integral Azerbaijan party.
