Turkish expert: By refusing to hand over maps of minefields, Armenia seeks to prevent return to liberated territories


The Armenian government does not provide a map of the mined areas in order to complicate the work of Azerbaijan and prevent the restoration of civilian life in the territories liberated from occupation, Turkish military expert Abdullah Agar told Report.

"Armenia's refusal to provide the maps is a systematic strategy to prevent civil life from sprouting in those areas. Because if there are landmines in any area, it is impossible for civilians to live there. This poses a great threat," he said.

The expert pointed out that demining is a very difficult process and emphasized that Armenia should give the maps to Azerbaijan as soon as possible.

He noted that it is necessary to find out how many minefields are covered by the maps Armenia possesses: "However, along with this detail, the act of mine terrorism committed by Armenia and its act of hiding the maps should be brought to the international arena and proven in some way. Because this is a crime against humanity and a war crime."
