Expert talks on possibility of achieving peace between Baku and Yerevan without intermediaries


International mediation is always a complicated task and examples of history speak more about negative experiences. What has been said is also true in relation to the Minsk Group and the Karabakh issue - illustrative examples of this kind of failure, Italian expert, professor at the Sapienza University of Rome Daniel Pommier Vincelli told Report.

“As for the present issue is concerned [normalization of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia], I think that any international mediation would be weak and biased. Real peace succeeds only when the two parties show mutual understanding. Furthermore, the three parties you mentioned (the US, the EU and Russia) have their own moments and can barely sustain such role,” he noted.

Considering the difficulties faced by the mentioned mediators, he explained that the US is preparing for presidential elections, parliamentary elections are expected in the EU, and Russia, being in conditions of international isolation due to military operations in Ukraine, is not able to cope with this task.

Vincelli emphasized that after more than thirty years of conflict between Baku and Yerevan, a significant agreement was reached on several key issues without the participation of mediators.

“When the two countries worked without third parties, results were more tangible. This is the case of the COP 29 conference host. Armenia and Azerbaijan agreed on mutual exchange of detainees, the green light of Baku as host city of the conference and Armenia being selected to enter one of the conference board. Peace in the region is not only desired but needed,” he added.

The signing of a peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia will transform the region into an active participant in the world community, allowing it to act as a more independent entity and not be influenced by third parties, the expert noted.

“And of course, a pacified South Caucasus could only turn to Europe and the West for trade, economic development, social and cultural relations: So it is in our best interest a peace treaty being signed very soon.”
