Azerbaijan, UNICEF discuss prospects for cooperation


Azerbaijan`s Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov has met with Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Special Coordinator for the Refugee and Migrant Response in Europe Regina De Dominicis.

The meeting covered prospects for cooperation agenda between Azerbaijan and UNICEF, as well as current situation in the region.

Minister Jeyhun Bayramov highlighted Azerbaijanəs close cooperation with different specialized UN agencies, including UNICEF, since gaining its independence. According to him, the country successfully cooperates with relevant governmental agencies to create better opportunities in education and health care for children, who became refugees and internally displaced persons as a result of the Armenian occupation. Azerbaijan`s FM underscored successful implementation of the relevant programs and projects.

He informed Regina De Dominicis about large-scale reconstruction projects underway in the liberated territories for the dignified return of IDPs to their native homes and ongoing fight against landmines.

Minister Jeyhun Bayramov highlighted the awareness-raising projects with UNICEF, particularly in addressing the mine threat, and stressed the importance of garnering international attention to this issue.

Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia of the United Nations Children's Regina De Dominicis underlined that UNICEF was interested in continuation of the successful experience of cooperation with Azerbaijan, adding that various initiatives concerning protection of children's rights may be undertaken within the 29th Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29), scheduled to be held in Azerbaijan this year, and the World Urban Forum, set for 2026.

She hailed ongoing large-scale reconstruction projects in the liberated territories, adding that UNICEF is ready to foster IDPs return process.

Minister Jeyhun Bayramov also informed about preparation plans for COP29.
