"Hurricane Emmanuel" caused a lot of confusion in Armenia...


In recent days, the name of the French president has not been mentioned in the country's media

In the first days of the new year, we watched the Russian-language Armenian media many times. They wrote about many issues, right or wrong. However, it seems that our colleagues in the defeated occupying country are fed up or "fed up" with the clamor of the French leadership.

Because in the last six or seven days, we did not find Emmanuel Macron's name in Yerevan's electronic resources. However, after Macron's election as president, there was not a week without seeing the statements of official Paris supporting Iravan, making nonsense promises like "picking a basket of stars from the sky" to Armenians, and slandering and slandering Azerbaijan.

We asked an expert who closely follows the processes in Armenia, what is happening, why does Macron's name no longer appear in the Armenian media? After all, we believe that "France is with Armenia", "Emmanuel Macron will protect the rights of Armenians until the end", "Paris will not leave Yerevan alone!" We were "educated" by such tempting statements. Our interviewer said that Macron's head is involved in Africa (the appearance of Russian flags on the military equipment of the local army expelling French soldiers there shocked Paris), while the attention of the Armenian media is on the agreement to be concluded with Azerbaijan and other documents to be signed.

Moreover, both Paris and Yerevan already know very well that the era of statements without any basis and concrete results is over. At this time, it is necessary to mention another fact. Thus, in the last 5 years, the disastrous statements from Paris have damaged the Armenian people and the Armenian state as much as the disasters brought by the destructive hurricanes to the countries on the ocean coast.

By the way, "Emmanuel" is among the names given to destructive hurricanes, storms and typhoons that occur in oceanic areas. As the names of hurricanes "Katerina", "Irene", "Sanda", "Isabella", "Irma", "Ophelia", "Melisa", "Rosa", "Fiona", "Iuliana" that have occurred in recent years indicate, most natural disasters female names are given. All those names are taken from ancient Greek mythology. The word "Emmanuel" was a woman's name in those legends, despite the fact that Macron, who now bears that name, "masculinized" someone.

By the way, we read on Internet resources that according to US officials, "hurricanes are like women, they are difficult to predict and discover. It is not known when and how much damage will be caused by hurricanes, just like women." So is the current president of France.

But it seems that Armenians are already aware of when the political hurricane "Emmanuel" came to this Caucasian country and how much damage it caused. In other words, these influences are of no use in Yerevan, which is swayed by the politics of Paris and the cold winds blowing from the Elysee Palace. If the Armenians, who have had their eyes on Paris for many years, have understood this, then the images that Emmanuel Macron wants to create are not worth "three cents".




