The United States sacrifices universal values for global politics
As it is known, the USA included the name of Azerbaijan in the "black list" for allegedly violating the freedom of religion. Of course, at first glance, it's not what you think. Who thought this, who came to such a conclusion? Usually, an Armenian finger always emerges from under such issues. The fact is that the freedom index of the United States State Department related to the religious situation in the world, as well as its part far from reality regarding Azerbaijan, was prepared by the Armenian nationalist Daniella Ashbakhyan.
But in our opinion, in the example of D.Ashbakhya, the Armenian factor is just insurance. After all, when the situation does not go well, it is possible to throw everything on his neck. The situation is not going well. This is what the second insurance is all about. In fact, if the US State Department entrusts the preparation of the report to an Armenian, then it is, so to speak, laying a strong hand for Azerbaijan's counterarguments. It's already a finished text, it doesn't matter who created it. That is, it could be stated that it was not Ashbakhian who prepared the index of religious freedom, but, for example, some Johnny Stewart. In short, official Washington is playing games. We are talking about a political game, and its first case is roughly this: you crushed the Armenians, now the Armenians are crushing you. They think deeply. Let them think. But there are other aspects that determine the depth, which we will talk about.
Let's start with the fact that the US State Department is of the opinion that in Azerbaijan, supposedly, a careless attitude towards freedom of religion reigns, and oppression against religious people is tolerated. In general, there are 12 countries on the "black list": Russia, China, Burma, Cuba, North Korea, Eritrea, Iran, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. Our country is on the special watch list. This list also includes the name of Algeria, Central African Republic, Gambar Islands and Vietnam. Let's focus on the expression: custom watchlist. This is the subtlety of the game. Al-Shabaab, Boko Haram, the Houthi movement, the Taliban and a number of other groups already known as terrorist organizations are also mentioned in terms of activities against freedom of religious belief. They are included in the list of "bodies of particular concern". Probably, US "strategists" are doing us a favor. That is, we could be on the last list!
The head of the US State Department, Anthony Blinken, said that the development of freedom of religion or belief has been the main goal of the foreign policy of the United States since the Congress of the country adopted the International Religious Freedom Act in 1998. So it all starts with that.
"Governments must end abuses such as attacks on members of minority religious communities and their places of worship, violence and long prison sentences for peaceful expression, transnational repression, and incitement to violence against religious communities," the secretary of state added, adding that worldwide opposition to religious freedom the challenges are structural, systemic and rooted: "But with the thoughtful and sustained commitment of those who refuse to accept hatred, intolerance and persecution as the status quo, we will one day see a world where all people live with dignity and equality".
As they say, your voice is good if you read the Quran. Leaving aside the other countries mentioned in the religious freedom index of the United States, let us say that the emergence of such ideas in the example of Azerbaijan is extremely absurd and populist in nature. Because the religious situation in our country, in the truest sense of the word, is an example to the world, and it is possible to cite the most diverse examples in this regard. We didn't want to talk about them and get away from the topic. Because our topic is the United States' use of religion as a tool in its foreign policy. In other words, Washington started this business without any preconceptions. An elementary question arises: for what reason does the United States compile such a report?
Of course, the US is always adept at justifying itself. Mind you, Blinken relies on an act of Congress passed in 1998. As you say, the document issued by the supreme legislative body of a country should be valid for the world. It is absurd and there is a very scary scene in the middle. This picture is nothing more than a product of the thought of hegemonic claim, which is an indication of the United States' approach contrary to all the principles of international law.
Yes, the United States wants to take the lead in promoting religious freedom. For this purpose, the Department of Religious Affairs and International Relations of the State Department was established in 2013. At that time, Welshman Sean Casey, professor of Christian ethics at the theological seminary, was appointed head of the department of work with world religions. He was considered an authority on religious matters and often lectured on the intersection of faith and public policy. Even Casey boasted a little: "My appointment shows that the State Department recognizes the growing importance of religion in US foreign policy."
As of 2018, Casey's current position was held by former Senator Sam Brownback. Of course, at that time President Donald Trump could not be called a defender of human rights. But S. Brownback was sure that if there is more freedom of religion, the threat of terrorism will decrease and this will lead to economic growth. It is interesting that the leaders of the United States could not find anything other than this thesis, and they are repeating it now...
It should be noted that in 2018, the United States hosted a summit on religious freedom under the auspices of the State Department. It was the first religious freedom conference in the history of the country and was held with the participation of officials, religious leaders, human rights defenders and representatives of civil society from all over the world.
Back in July 2019, then-Secretary of the US State Department, Mike Pompeo, announced the creation of the International Religious Freedom Alliance to promote respect for countries' freedom of religion or belief and the protection of members of minority religious groups around the world. As a means to achieve these goals, the application of collective sanctions against countries where religious freedom is suppressed was taken as a basis. The current movement has announced its support for a "Declaration of Principles" based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Above, we emphasized that the issue of religion is a tool for the world hegemony of the United States. However, even then, that is, in 2018-2019, it was known that, so to speak, the bear's thousand games are in one pear's head. Thus, the US Administration actively interfered in inter-Christian dialogue and in the relations of local Orthodox churches with the aim of completely isolating the Russian Orthodox Church. In addition, Washington, in cooperation with the Patriarchate of Constantinople, began promoting the recognition of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. At that time, M. Pompeo met with the head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Epiphany Dumenko. Issues of "solid and reliable cooperation" were discussed between the parties. At the same time, the United States, taking the path of getting closer to the Holy See, exaggerated the "problems of persecution of Christians" in the Middle East and China.
While paying attention to all this, including considering the current Russia-Ukraine war, the religious freedom index, which the United States Department of State has just announced, is being calculated for the global goals. It seems that for Washington, the pretext of protecting universal values and promoting the ideas of freedom and democracy is extremely important.
Finally, once again, let's go to Azerbaijan. Yes, our country has a leading position in the South Caucasus. This leadership also has excellent multicultural examples. So, why does the United States not care about the current reality? Because Azerbaijan does not participate in the US global plans for the region, it follows an independent political line. Therefore, Washington decided to make a religious antipode out of our country, so to speak. The United States' handwriting is similar to its search for chemical weapons in Iraq at the time. At the conclusion of the Iraq campaign, which caused numerous casualties and led to the overthrow of Saddam Hussein's regime, it was determined that there were no chemical weapons in the country. In return, the White House had just an apology. This is exactly what real irreligion and lack of belief is.