Western Azerbaijan Community issues statement


The Western Azerbaijan Community has issued a statement.


AZERTAC presents the statement:


"Anti-Azerbaijani activities have become a way of life for the ambassador of France to Armenia. The approach of the French ambassador, who thinks that he is "stinging" Azerbaijan in his imagination with xenophobic tweets and statements, is simply ridiculous. This full-time Azerbaijanophob is thus attempting to present himself as the "hero" of the Armenian society. It seems that the French ambassador, by posting such ridiculous tweets, is trying to express his anger and rage that his country has failed for several months to endorse a document against Azerbaijan at the UN Security Council.


"The ambassador with a crusader mentality should understand that he is accredited in Armenia and should not interfere in the issues related to the sovereignty of another country - Azerbaijan. As an ambassador, he should rather talk about ensuring the right of return of Azerbaijanis who were expelled from Armenia, the inadmissibility of the destruction and desecration of the cultural heritage of the Azerbaijani people in Armenia as well as mosques, and the misrepresentation of the Blue Mosque. However, ethnic and religious bigotry, Azerbaijanophobia, Islamophobia, charlatanism do not allow this," the Community
