Construction underway for 190-apartment residential quarter in Sugovushan


Construction is currently underway in a new residential quarter located in the Sugovushan settlement. The ongoing project involves the construction of five multi-apartment buildings in the quarter, covering a total area exceeding 2 hectares.


During a visit to the residential quarter, AZERTAC's regional correspondent observed the progress of the construction works. Project leader Vidadi Hasanov said that the residential quarter will feature five-storey buildings comprising a total of 190 apartments. These apartments include 25 one-room, 80 two-room, 75 three-room and 10 four-room ones.


In addition to the residential buildings, the quarter is planned to incorporate amenities such as sports fields, children's playgrounds, and parking lots.


The Sugovushan settlement was liberated by the Azerbaijan Armed Forces on October 3, 2020, during the Patriotic War.
