Orman Aliyev: Film "Hadrut, you are free!" is a unique material for future generations


“A film "Hadrut, you are free!" is based on true story and is a strategy of the "Liberation of Hadrut" plan. The film is rooted in actual video footage and facts,” said Director of Baku Media Center, Orman Aliyev.


He emphasized that the film "Hadrut, you are free!" was created at the request and initiative of Arzu Aliyeva, president of the Baku Media Center as a continuation of the film "Shusha, you are free!".


”This film is from the series of Karabakh visit films. We want to produce at least one film a year or more on this topic. We made this film this year. "Shusha, you are free!" the film had more than 900,000 views on the social media pages of the Baku Media Center. There is a great interest in such films. We believe that this film will also be welcomed by the audience," Orman Aliyev told.


Most of the real scenes in the film were staged immediately after Shusha was freed. Orman Aliyev: The shooting took place in September of this year. At that time, we staged most of the events from the artistic side. It is true that we have tried to make it more realistic since it is a documentary. We believe that we have been able to overcome it.


"The film is based solely on "Operation Hadrut". But so many interesting events happened in this operation that each of them is a subject for a feature film or documentary. Therefore, the more such films, the better," Director of Baku Media Center informed.


"Shusha, you are free!", "Hadrut, you are free!" The director of the Center said that all his films were shot on real transcripts and said that they were obtained from the Ministry of Defense: "Considering that these events have just happened and we have filmed the real participants of those events. This is a rare material for future generations. We are very lucky to be able to draw real heroes. Our goal was to document all this, make it factual and at the same time show the real heroes."


