Central Election Commission chief informs OSCE mission on preparations for early presidential elections in Azerbaijan


Chairman of Azerbaijan's Central Election Commission (CEC) Mazahir Panahov has met with representatives of the needs assessment mission of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), Report informs.

The OSCE/ODIHR delegation included Martina Barker-Ciganikova and Goran Petrov.

Panahov expressed satisfaction with the meeting and noted that the CEC attaches particular importance to relations with international organizations and their structures.

He noted that the study of international experience has made an important contribution to the further improvement of electoral practice in Azerbaijan.

Representatives of the mission inquired about the electoral system of Azerbaijan and the principles of work of election commissions, the work done to clarify voter lists, as well as the progress of preparations for the early presidential elections in Azerbaijan, scheduled for February 7, 2024.

Answering questions from guests, Panahov spoke about the consistent and systematic steps being taken to prepare for the upcoming elections in order to hold them in a free, fair and transparent manner.
