Ilham Aliyev non-alternative


At the meeting of its Board of Directors, the New Azerbaijan Party nominated the chairman of the institution, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, for the presidential elections to be held on February 7, 2024. YAP is the ruling political force of our society, and it is possible to say unequivocally that the choice of this party as its leader is the choice of the people. Therefore, the institution's decision was expected. Why was it expected and why is Ilham Aliyev the people's choice? This is what our notes are about.

Firstly, President Ilham Aliyev's activities as the head of state in the past period are an irreplaceable line calculated for the prosperity and progress of Azerbaijan. This line is constantly enriching and developing with continuous social reform packages. Personnel reforms are an exceptional complementary factor in making the adopted course highly effective.

Secondly, President Ilham Aliyev is an innovator. He is able to skillfully reconcile his politics with the requirements of modern times. As a result, Ilham Aliyev's Azerbaijan is also an integral part of our modern world from the cultural, economic and spiritual point of view. The Ilham Aliyev model of management does not recognize any alternative in the way of modernization.

Thirdly, President Ilham Aliyev is principled and determined. This driving force of his character is the permanence, irreversibility of our country's independence and its protection from the influence of external forces. Determination and principle, at the same time, are guiding the priority of prompt and consistent implementation of important issues for Azerbaijan.

Fourth, Ilham Aliyev is a political genius. Like the great leader Heydar Aliyev, he is an undeniable leader whose scope exceeds the borders of Azerbaijan. His leadership is an accepted reality in the world.

When the name of Ilham Aliyev is mentioned, the international world reveals a view far from the clichés about the leaders of the post-Soviet space. In this sense, if the Great Leader was a statesman who broke the existing stereotypes, Ilham Aliyev's leadership managed to completely erase the already broken stereotypes.

Fifth, President Ilham Aliyev is a master of his word. He doesn't mince words. It is inevitable and inevitable that every thought he expresses is fixed with reality. Because the line put forward by the head of our state was carefully thought out in advance. For the current thinking, consideration of risks has not one, but several directional amplitudes. Such an approach is a reliable insurance against attempts to prevent the realization of the set goal. The mentioned insurance is also a guarantee of the reliability of the spoken word.

Sixth, Ilham Aliyev is a patriot. His patriotism is rich in practical examples of expressing this word. The basis for Ilham Aliyev's character is concrete work done for the sake of the people and the state. In this sense, the YAP leader is a leader who has destroyed traditional stereotypes of patriotism. There is already a dogmatic example of Ilham Aliyev to love the Motherland for the people of Azerbaijan. By the way, the current example acts as the next indicator of the succession to Heydar Aliyev's political course.

Seventh, Ilham Aliyev is a perfect example of succession itself. As it is known, the line of political succession is taken as the basis in different countries of the world. The main issue is the acceptance of this line in the world. In many cases, acceptance has no real meaning. At this time, the heir, in a way, remains in the shadows. However, Ilham Aliyev is a leader who has managed to prove himself autonomously through his practical activities. The last twenty years of his rule confirmed that the chairman of YAP is not under the shadow of Heydar Aliyev's greatness.

Eighth, Ilham Aliyev was not only overshadowed by the greatness of Heydar Aliyev, but at the same time, his policy gave new shades to the principle of succession. The leader of Azerbaijan proved that the greatest investment of Heydar Aliyev's handwriting with an institutional structure was the inheritance. The current investment is, as it were, an abundant product for the current reality system of our country.

Ninth, Ilham Aliyev is a skilled leader of the Karabakh conflict. The leader of our country said that Karabakh was liberated from occupation by young people who grew up during his rule. Of course, he has every right to brag. Ilham Aliyev also very rightly said that at certain times the hope of our people for the return of our lands was reduced. It is he who does not let his sparks of hope go out. In all his speeches, the President spoke about the Karabakh issue, expressed principle and determination, and every thought he used in this regard had a deep ideological content. As a result, there was a belief that the occupation would be ended, and that belief was strengthened and gained an ideological image.

The tenth. Ilham Aliyev proved to be a wise President as well as Commander-in-Chief. The head of our state remained forever remembered for his 44-day war on all fronts. In the war, so to speak, on the weapons front, he became a real commander. A skilled diplomat on the information front. These two roles complemented each other so beautifully that the created scene could not fail to amaze.

Eleventh point. Of course, the fact that the President is a man of the common people gave strength to the amazing scene we talked about at the level of the Second Karabakh war. During the 44-day war, everyone thought he was one of them. Some considered the head of state as a brother, some as a friend and confidant, and some as an uncle and uncle, in general, a close relative and a dear person. It was the most brilliant and perfect celebration of People - Ilham Aliyev, Ilham Aliyev - People's unity.

Twelfth point. The image of Ilham Aliyev is, to put it simply, the survival formula of Azerbaijan in our globalized and changing world. This formula derives its strength from the assurance factor. Keep in mind that as our world changes rapidly, we see the relevance of a saying - shoot the horses that are left behind. Unfortunately, the human world, which considers itself a humanist, cannot get tired of witnessing the true episodes of the parable that we have brought to our attention. One gets the impression that someone is on a brutal and merciless mission to "shoot the horses left behind".

İlham Əliyevin prezidentliyi dövlətə və dövlətçiliyimizə, habelə uca xalqımıza iti sürətlə addımlamaq üçün müqavimət qa­zandırdı. Daha doğrusu, əsası ümummilli lider Heydər Əliyev tərəfindən qoyulmuş müasir Azərbaycan dövlətçiliyi qazandığı immuniteti İlham Əliyevin rəhbərliyi ilə gerçək müqavimətə çevirməyi bacardı. Müqavimət yeni ruhdur, yeni ümidlərdir. Bu mənada İlham Əliyev şəxsiyyəti Azər­baycanın gələcəyə olan son dərəcə fun­damental xassəyə malik ümididir. Heç bir şübhə yoxdur ki, bu ümid 2024-cü il fev­ralın 7-də yeni pərvərişini yaşayacaqdır. 

