The myth of "Achilles' heel" did not come true in Yerevan


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The West wanted to make Armenia "unfriendly".

After the numerous myths created by Armenian ideologues about their country and people were destroyed under the boots of the Azerbaijani soldier, no one believes in those stories anymore. But when I think about the current situation of our invading neighbor, I remember the "Achilles' heel" in ancient Greek mythology.

After the well-known results of the 23-hour local anti-terrorist measures carried out by the Azerbaijani Army in September of this year, in the mass media of the region (yes, not only Azerbaijan, but the region itself), "France sent weapons to Armenia on the day of the 6th Paris Peace Conference", "Azerbaijan denied France's sale of weapons to Armenia" is dissatisfied", "French military equipment is moving through Georgia to Armenia", "What will be the attitude of Ankara to the sending of weapons by Paris to Armenia?", "Is France's desire to strengthen itself in Armenia a pressure on the Kremlin?", "Official Baku is cautiously watching the rearmament of Armenia" and others like that. we come across headlines almost every day.

Hearing all this, the invincible, courageous image of Achilles comes to mind. According to the legend, none of the arrows that were thrown at the hero did not harm him. Because his mother Fetida (read: Armenia's sister France) wanted to see Achilles invincible, so she put her son in the water of the holy Styx river (read: Notre Dame church), but at that time she grabbed her son's heel area, so that area that was not touched by water was not protected.

In the fable, it is said that Achilles' tutor, the centaur Chiron (they don't even know the number of centaurs feeding Armenia, even in Yerevan), fed him with the internal organs of lions, bears and boars (read: with all the delicacies of Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur), taught him to play musical instruments and sing (read: in Karabakh taught to walk with a mane). That's why Achilles became a fearless warrior. In other words, Azerbaijan kept 20 percent of its territories under occupation for thirty years...

Finally, in one of the battles (read: in the Second Karabakh War), he manages to kill his rival Achilles. In ancient mythology, the name of the knight who killed him was Paris. The current victorious knight is an Azerbaijani soldier. However, this does not mean that Paris did not play a role in the current bitter fate of the mythical hero. It happened. And a lot. Because Western capitals, especially Paris, told Armenia "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!" - saying, dragging him to a shameful defeat. At present, France's re-armament of this puppet state can lead to the complete destruction of Armenia.

A few days ago, it was reported from Yerevan that the Armenian court sentenced the Azerbaijani soldier, who went astray in bad weather in April this year and was detained, to life imprisonment. At that time, almost every individual of our people believed that President, Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, who knows better than anyone what to do, when and how, will not allow the matter to remain like this. And so it happened. They brought our soldier with great pleasure and handed him over to us, as if the leader of Azerbaijan had hit Achilles' heel. Moreover, they announced that they are ready to sign a peace agreement in the near future. Let them get ready. Let's hope that they finally realized that they need peace more than anyone else. If they behave well, we will believe...
