Baku hosting VI Solidarity Forum of Azerbaijan Volunteers


The 6th Solidarity Forum of Azerbaijan Volunteers, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev and attended by nearly 3,000 volunteers operating in Azerbaijan, is being held in Baku, Report informs.


The event takes place within the framework of Azerbaijan Volunteer Week 2023, held on December 5–19, with the organizational support of the Youth Fund, the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Azerbaijan, ASAN Service, and the organization of the Union of Volunteer Organizations of Azerbaijan.


The forum opened with the Career Fair, which was organized in order to focus on and thank the activities of the volunteers during the year.


During the exhibition, volunteers got detailed information about the job opportunities of about 40 different local and foreign companies.


At the official opening of the forum, the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was played, and then the memory of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev and our heroes who died for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan was commemorated with respect and pride.
