Armenia should cast off its dark legacy and sign the peace agreement – Azerbaijani MP


Creation of a positive atmosphere between Armenia and Azerbaijan in the post-conflict period and the implementation of initiatives in this direction mainly originated in Azerbaijan, member of Azerbaijani Parliament Tural Ganjali told

“If we look at all the positive initiatives proposed since the tripartite declaration of 2020, we see that it was put forward by Azerbaijan and even the draft peace agreement was given to Armenia by Azerbaijan for the first time based on the principles of international law,” Mr Ganjali noted.

He expressed hope that in the process of the exchange of prisoners Armenia will prevent revanchist forces and respond to Azerbaijan's calls for peace.

“It’s Armenia’s turn. Armenia should be more interested in achieving peace. Azerbaijani Foreign Minister’s statement in Brussels shows that he expects positive steps and final peace in the region. We know that Armenia is not independent in its domestic and foreign policy. There is a strong influence of Europe and the US in the politics of Armenia. We hope that regional issues will be resolved with regional countries on various regional platforms,” the Azerbaijani parliamentarian said.

Mr. Ganjali noted that Azerbaijan has always been the initiator of 3+3 and other regional platforms and events: “We know that if Armenia takes advantage of these opportunities and responds positively to Azerbaijan's initiatives, it will be good for Armenia itself. Armenia should cast off its dark legacy and sign the peace agreement. In this way, Yerevan will restore economic development and open regional communication lines. If it will be used as a manipulation tool in the hands of the USA and Europe, then it will cause the problems in the region not to be solved from the roots.”

"We want to put an end to external interference in the region by a final peace agreement. Because the peace agreement is a recognition of the balance of political power in the region. My personal opinion is that after signing the peace agreement, Armenia should fulfill all its obligations and work to prevent new tensions and escalation in the region. I hope that the Armenian side will not ignore these pragmatic proposals. This opportunity should be valued,” said MP Tural Ganjali.
