A life spent in the service of the motherland


The dear memory of our national leader Heydar Aliyev is always remembered with great respect by the people of Azerbaijan. The great leader is a great person who sacrificed his whole life for the sake of Azerbaijan. It is because of his incomparable services to our state and people that every Azerbaijani has erected a monument to Heydar Aliyev in his heart. With his wise leadership, political foresight, determination and perseverance, this person became known as an outstanding political figure of our time and became the National leader of our people. The genius protected our country from all dangers with his decisive policy and created a solid foundation for the successful implementation of the tasks facing the state and the people.

The great leader performed his rescue mission with dignity and honor, restored the people's faith in the future, and inspired the nation to self-sacrifice in solving its fateful problems. Heydar Aliyev brought the true voice of Azerbaijan to the whole world, created the political and economic foundations of our independent statehood, turned the people's desire to have a sovereign and strong state into reality, and wrote his name in golden letters in human history.

Both during the Soviet era and during the years of independence, Heydar Aliyev worked selflessly for the advancement of Azerbaijan. During his leadership, our republic developed in all fields. Today, there is no sphere of social-political, socio-economic, cultural life of Azerbaijan that is not connected with the name of the Great Leader. It was in Azerbaijan that independence took on an eternal and irreversible character, national and spiritual progress, the establishment of the ideology of Azerbaijaniism, and the creation of strong and solid foundations for future development became possible as a result of the implementation of the policy of the national leader based on rich experience, brilliant intelligence, high leadership ability, and high political management. The period when Heydar Aliyev led Azerbaijan has become a glorious page of our history of statehood, which has been going on for thousands of years.

Although our great leader has not been physically with us for twenty years, his ideas live forever. Over the years, the extent of the work done by this genius for Azerbaijan is more clearly understood. The great leader, who dedicated his whole life to faithful service to his Motherland, always relied on the people in his titanic activities and turned to them in the most difficult moments. The people have never withheld their support from him. He won the love of the Azerbaijani people with his intelligence and courage.

In the most difficult moments, the people of Azerbaijan were sure that Heydar Aliyev would protect independence, the interests of the state, and make the most correct decisions related to the interests of the people. The citizens of Azerbaijan and all Azerbaijanis living in the world will never forget the unparalleled services rendered by the national leader to our state. Heydar Aliyev created the great development era of Azerbaijan and ensured the comprehensive renaissance of our republic. Independent Azerbaijan has constantly advanced to the top on these solid foundations.

We can characterize the life of the great leader as a life devoted entirely to the people, the state, and the Motherland. His biggest wish was to ensure the territorial integrity of our country. Characterizing Shusha as a symbol of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev confidently stated that we will definitely return to our native places. This belief of his literally lit a lamp of hope in people's hearts. In 2020, during the 44-day Patriotic War, our army managed to ensure the territorial integrity of our country by showing unparalleled bravery. With the liberation of Shusha on November 8, 2020, Heydar Aliyev's dream "We will definitely return to Shusha" became a reality.

His worthy successor, President Ilham Aliyev, triumphantly completed the sacred struggle started by our great leader in the direction of ensuring the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. The victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev honorably fulfilled the wishes and wills of Heydar Aliyev. In 2023, under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, further successful steps were taken towards the implementation of the great leader's will - our sovereignty was ensured in Karabakh, our tricolor flag was raised in Khankendi and Khojaly. These are the most important events of the "Year of Heydar Aliyev".

The people of Azerbaijan celebrate the next memorial day of their genius son with deep respect against the background of such significant events. Heydar Aliyev's policy is the basis of these successes. Today, the spirit of our great leader is happy! Because, under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, the independent state of Azerbaijan, founded by him, is constantly developing, strengthening, and gaining new victories!


Member of Parliament

