Former US envoy: End of separatist regime removed obstacle to peace treaty


With the withdrawal of Armenian troops from the Karabakh region of Azerbaijan and the end of the separatist regime, the last obstacle to a peace treaty was removed, former US ambassador to Azerbaijan, member of the board of the Jamestown Foundation, international expert Matthew Bryza wrote on X (formerly Twitter), Report informs.

“As repeatedly noted, the end of Armenian troops and a separatist political authority in Azerbaijan's Karabakh region removed the last obstacle to the peace treaty sought by both Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan and Azerbaijani President Aliyev,” Bryza wrote.

As a result of negotiations held between the Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, in the spirit of commitment to the principle of humanism, as a measure of mutual trust between the two countries and an indicator of goodwill, an agreement was reached on the release of 32 persons of Armenian origin by Azerbaijan and two Azerbaijani servicemen by Armenia.
