Hafiz Safikhanov: Armenians mined border not only with Armenia but also with Iran during occupation


During the occupation, Armenians mined the border not only with Armenia but also with Iran, Hafiz Safikhanov, Chairman of the Azerbaijan Campaign Against Landmines Public Union, said at the event themed "Solidarity with landmine victims in the South Caucasus: an important pillar of the strategy to eliminate landmines and their consequences in the South Caucasus," held within the framework of the organization's Landmine Free South Caucasus campaign, XQ informs.

According to him, Azerbaijan has been facing the mine problem for more than 30 years: "As a result of the work carried out in the liberated areas, it became known that more than 1 million mines were buried. However, during the occupation, mines were buried not only here but also on the border with Armenia and Iran."

"Yesterday was the International Day of Disabled Persons. Azerbaijan is currently the country most affected by landmines in the South Caucasus. Unfortunately, currently, no country in the South Caucasus has joined the Ottawa Convention, and this is a very serious matter. We hope that countries will be more careful about the mine problem. After the 44-day Patriotic War, we receive news about mine victims almost every day," Safikhanov noted.
